Saturday, November 30, 2019
The poor girl Essay Example
The poor girl Paper Then I realised my own mum saw her just two weeks ago and she was also responsible for her death and could have helped her. The thing that bothered me was that she didnt even really even care that much; she was that kind of cold hearted person. Anyway it turned out while working at the committee that she was prejudiced against her case and did not help her. Mum hardly cared, I was quite shaken and upset and that was before I heard that she was pregnant; and thats not all mum knew it! Mum also shared her views with other people in the committee so that there was no one there to help the poor girl. I still cant forget the words: go look for the farther of the child it is his responsibility. It was so terrible I was trying to get over something and then another thing started! I would never look at my mum the same way as I used to; I knew that she was cold hearted but not to that extent. There was more to it though, she said that she werent responsible and said that the girl told us that the father was the one mainly in charge and that she would not marry him because he was a young, silly, wild and drank too much. For a moment I was a little bit more relieved knowing that it wasnt all her fault as I previously did. We will write a custom essay sample on The poor girl specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The poor girl specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The poor girl specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Daisy was also surprisingly enough to me getting money from her but not excepting it because it was stolen! I was quite contented; she would rather live penniless then have stolen money. Mum then said that the father was a drunken, young idler thats all the more reason why she could not escape and rounded it off by saying if the death is anyones fault it is his. I felt that everything was going wrong for the whole family and then thought of Eric and later realised that he was the one, he was in charge; it just suddenly sprung into my mind. I was so distressed and then tried to tell mum what I had just realised. It was so awful trying to tell mum who it was especially after all the stuff she had been saying, she found it really hard to believe but then accepted it. Later on Eric came in all pale and distressed, he understood what we all found out about him and we all just looked at him with our inquiring stares. It was quite a sad moment we were angry with him, shocked and in a way I felt a little bit sorry for him. The inspector started to ask Eric some questions. After mum heard what Eric had to say she acknowledged the fact that all of it was true. She was about to break down so I had to take her out of the room. But later she just came back in curious to know what was going on. Apparently we were told by dad that Eric had admitted he was responsible and had stolen money from the office, fifty pounds! He said that he was meant to pay it back but I was not sure whether to believe him or not. A lot more dreadful things would happen later, it turned out that there was a big argument between mum and Eric I was feeling scared and wanted it to stop Eric was blaming everything on mum. He was saying the most horrid things like mum killed her and mum killed her own grand child; Erics son. The whole thing just came to an end with the words of the inspector: stop he said in such a compelling way that everybody did. Finally it came to an end he said he has found everything he needed to know and said that each and everyone of you were in charge of helping the girl die and not only that but he told us never to forget it and rounded it of by saying that my mum had the power to stop this from happening and she didnt. I think it was a kind of way to say that she was responsible mostly. To make us never forget this he tells each of us how badly we treated the girl it was really distressing. He then spoke out his final words which were very strong, powerful and deep and said there are many people still out there just like Eva Smith. He then walked out and slammed the door and that was it he had gone. I was still quietly crying thinking over and over again why did this happen? Then Eric and dad just started of worrying about the money stolen and it looked like they tried to pretend that nothing happened. No one learned anything from their mistakes. I then started to think of the actual inspector; was he who we though he was? I didnt really think it mattered but I was just interested to find out. My dad said though that was really important to see if he was but I disagreed. I felt he was just not trying to face the facts. At the end of the day it doesnt matter if he was a police inspector or not the point is that he made us confess what we did wrong. Then we all started to talk about the police inspector; how strange he was. And then Gerald walked in I told him that we all got in trouble and then we all continued talking about how strange he was until Gerald comes up with something. We all waited for him to say it and stared at him. He said slowly that he wasnt a police inspector he sounded quite sure. There was even more evidence, he said he met a police sergeant and asked him if he knew an inspector Goole. Gerald described the chap to him and the sergeant said that he swore there was no one of that name or like him on the force. My dad then rang the chief constable to once more make sure, there was no inspector by the name of Goole. Everybody was a bit happier but I still thought in the end we all were responsible for a young girls death. I supported Eric at this time he said what I thought and what the rest dont understand that the girl is still dead and they are pretending that she isnt. After a while of constant arguing Gerald comes up with something. He thought that the there was no real Eva Smith who changed her name to Daisy Renton and committed suicide. All he thought was that he was taking about different girls and that the photos were shown individually because of that reason. I was a bit less sad but I still could not forget the fact that all of us said what actually happened. Then Gerald phoned the infirmary to make sure there was no girl who committed suicide in the infirmary, as we waited patiently it was not true there was no dead girl there. I and Eric was still upset because we still did wrong things and we were aware of the consequences- at the end of the day we still harmed people and it was something that could have been real. I could still remember the inspector, his eyes how he glanced upon me, his voice, how he made me feel, his presence, all of it frightened me still. Everyone was happy again, smiling, triumphing and Gerald trying to propose to me again by saying its all over! But obviously I thought it was too soon and had to think about it. Everyone was laughing thinking that it was stupid and being amused until all the cheerfulness from everyone got interrupted by the ringing, the ringing of the phone. Dad picked the phone up; everyone was waiting anxiously due to all the events that took place. There was a deadly silence, I got scared. Dad put the phone down to say the fateful news. It was the police, a girl died in the infirmary after swallowing some disinfectant and a police inspector is on his way. That guilty conscience started to get bigger but the atmosphere was not only surrounded with that but also confusion and terror. My heart started to race up again, I was worried, I panicked and was confused. I thought of the situation again trying to make sense it just startled me even more. How did the so called inspector no about Eva!!?!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
09721215 Essays - The Face Of Battle, John Keegan, Military, Battle
09721215 Essays - The Face Of Battle, John Keegan, Military, Battle 09721215 rdNlAr.lin 1-kr,1-.Nrnle.r.^.. r. nef riltr;Cnni-;r.r., kr. lima-n kevik "1-,./n;"#-Al ,-Amel irv1-r,11.-....411,-Al rvf .1-1...e.00 rdNlAr.lin 1-kr,1-.Nrnle.r.^.. r. nef riltr;Cnni-;r.r., kr. lima-n kevik "1-,./n;"#-Al ,-Amel irv1-r,11.-....411,-Al rvf .1-1...e.John Keegan is Senior Lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst (the British equivalent of West Point). He admits in the very beginning that he has never been in battle, nor near a battle. In those two statements is an opening key to this book. 7 Face of Battle is an effort to derive from the historical sources a better understanding of w it is like to be in battlenot just to narrate the events, but to come closer to a realization c what the participants felt. The method is a description and analysis of three battles: Agincourt, Waterloo, and the Somme. Keegan surrounds the battle accounts with an introductory chapter and a conclusion, which provide much of the value of his work. The method is justified, for not only are the battle accounts fascinating and innovative in themselves, but they demonstrate the observations made in the mo re general portions, at bring the analyses to life. Keegan's introduction is in large measure a study of military history, at once a defense an critique, but also an effort to rescue the genre from its limitations. The authors of military history have been largely staff officers intent on "lessons," teachers in the military schools with much the same attitude, and amateur students of history, or of battle, or of both. The limitations derive from these facts, but lie deeper. The writers of military history have rare! gone beyond the fighting; they have taken what Keegan calls the "win/lose" approach, wh isolates the military story from the rest of history. He likens this method to the English and American trial by jury, which he calls "accusatory," an aggressive process intended to real verdict. The alternative approach is the French "investigatory" proceeding, in which the jug has wide powers of interrogation and investigation to aid in arriving at truth. Whatever the merits of the two legal proceduresa matter for serious thoughtth e analogy is a valuab stimulus to an examination of the preconceptions behind historical writing, especially but I exclusively military historical writing. The implication is that practicing historians, military a otherwise, may not be fully conscious of the theoretical underpinnings or ramifications of their procedures. Keegan's point, however, is especially applicable to the battle historian; if battle is not a crime, it is at least a definite event, and therefore possessed of parallels. In the "court of history," the question is always, Who was guilty of the result, if it was defeat, or responsib for the result, if it was victory? This commonest of approaches makes statements such as General A had not extended his flank . . . ," or, "If General B had moved up five minutes earlier. . . ." Obviously, this is too narrow an approach. Not only is it unsafe to assume tha the result of battle hinges on some single decision, but it is also true that not all battles ha clear victories or defeats for which credit and blame can be distributed. Deeper and more important, if the historian looks only for guilt or innocence, blame or responsibility, he will i reach an understanding of the total event or process in all its background and complexity. Keegan uses two examples to illustrate typical qualities of military history writing in the pa one is the English "philosopher of war," Sir Edward Creasy, the author of The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, first published in 1851 and often reprinted, extended, and imitated. Creasy, accepting the Victorian aversion to war but fascination by it, concentrate only on those battles which, as his title indicates, decided the course of history. The second example is Julius Caesar and his Gallic Wars, which is illustrative, perhaps originative, of much battle writing. Not only Caesar's but most succeeding battle accounts are from the view of the general, whether or not written by him. The resulting difficulties a view; and, more important to Keegan's argument, the creation of a seemingly clear and simple picture out of a very complicated and confused set of happenings. For the main body of
Friday, November 22, 2019
A new teenage magazine with the target Essay Example for Free
A new teenage magazine with the target Essay ? The brief was to produce a new teenage magazine with the target audiences of either or both male or female within the target range of 13 to 19 years old. In the process of the production we could working in groups or individually. Working in a group of three produce front page and a double page spread article for the new magazine. In the production each member of the group need to have a minimum of three original pictures. Before staring the production i made a project schedule to with deadline for each sections of the production. To fulfil the brief i started researching similar text. It would best suit me to produce a magazine for male audience hence researched magazines complementing boy’s titles such as TOPGEAR, EVO and MAX POWER. The mise en scene and the conventions of all these magazines had resemblance regards to the design, layout. For example the magazine names where all in bold fonts with use of strong colours representing stereotypical macho man characteristics. Technical codes such as the high angle shots used to denote the power of the cars. All the magazines included vast number of images that consist of Mid shots, Mid Close Up and Mid Long shots of the cars facing the magazine to grab the attention of the readers so that they won’t be bored of reading a long article. The researches into similar text help me to decide some important aspects of the magazine. I carried out a questionnaire and interviews. the questionnaire was give to both males and females. I found that there was a demand for teenage car magazine in the market but my founding’s showed that females didn’t have much of interest in cars. The males where asked if they would or won’t buy the magazine the majority said they would if the magazines contented more of their interests of sex and cars. Whereas female’s lacked interest. in the questionnaire the done most participants were interested customising their cars. And that they find the cost of insurance and fuel to high some when considering to sale their cars. I have chosen my target audience to be male so both of the interviewee i interviewed where males between 16-19 drives. From this i would be able observe the interests and the difficulty first hand. To meet the demand of the targeted audience i have decided to have an article on ways to get cheaper and more affordable insurance. The format that I have decided to adopt is similar to the one of the other Car magazines and as this I found from the interview was preferable by my target audience. I have chosen the name TOPSPEED which follows the stereotype that most male readers want â€Å"fast cars†and â€Å"babes†. I would be reviewing a car that relates to target audience cars that has small engine and cheaper insurance category so that student can financially afford to drive it. The planning involved a subject matter research where the main research was done for Ford Fiesta ST in areas like car specification and it’s stability for young drives using i cold write up the double page spared article. The other area i researched was for student car insurance. This could be used to write up a mini article to help and give advice for getting cheap car insurance. I had never used Photoshop before so the whole process was an opportunity to learn new skill. I got some practise on Photoshop and Publisher before i started the final production. The technical skills that we practised in class include lighting. Regarding lighting, it can be used to create a particular mood. I started off by brainstorming me ideas. Finally deciding on car giving information and review car of a car that is affordable to teenagers as my target market will be more interested in rather than an expensive car that they may have trouble affording. I had descried to review the new Ford Fiesta ST because this would perfectly for my targeted audience since it had a small engine which uses less fuel plus it had i low insurance category meaning lower insurance premium. The Ford Fiesta ST was the sport version denoting speed and boy racers. Regards the design Ford was a very good looking Supermini which would easily grab the attention of the targeted audience. Analyzing the questionnaire cost of insurance was other area where young drivers had difficulties so i had decided to add tip to get cheap insurance. I write up a draft article using the information from the research which i will later improve for a magazine standard. Use this i experiment different layout for front cover and the double page spread and the use of font size different colours so that i had clear idea what work and what doesn’t in a car magazine plus this help with how i want to take the pictures. I experimented with different typeface for the magazine name with different font’s colours and size to see which suits best for the front cover. Before the photo shoot i had to have a miscellaneous paperwork and productions design which includes the location of the shoot which is in Edgware i won’t do any alteration to set design which is the car showroom. The showroom will have a good lighting so there is no need for me to arrange any sort of lighting for the shoot. I could have different action for the cars open doors or turn the wheel sideways will show the wheels properly and give the car character. The miscellaneous paperwork need to be done for risks assessment, equipment book forms, access permission and call sheets to be taken to the shoot location signed and dated by the person give the permission to take the photos The photo shoot was hard to arrange I called up several Ford dealerships to organise a photo shoot but only a couple of the dealership agreed to let me take pictures in there showrooms. The space around the car was limited for that reason most of the pictures i took was close up shoot or mid shoots i wasn’t able to get any long shoot which would have helped show all the outer features of the car. The showroom had too much light i couldn’t take some of the photos that i wanted. The car was parked in way that i could get pictures from back of the car. I wanted to take close up pictures of the speed-o-meter of the car but the staring wheel came was obstruction which i couldn’t get clear picture. The staring wheel was locked which meant i couldn’t turn the wheel sideways which is a convention in must car magazines. I didn’t want the background of the photos i took using Photoshop i cut them out with the Magic wand tool and using the smudge tool smoothen the edges. I did this with most of the photos i wanted to use in the production. i decides to use black background for the red car. This is because the colour of the car would stand out and it strong male on your face colours. When i placed the photos on the cover page over a black background you could still see the ragged edges around the car. To solve this problem i added drop back shadow which covered the edges. I decided to use all caps and with modern but simple bold fonts in white colour that would stand out with black background. I downloaded a font from internet that you could make barcode with it this way i could customize the barcode specifically for my magazine. Inside the magazine for the main headings i used the same fonts as i had on the front cover. Experimenting with the layout I found one that would suit the best for the double page article. I divided the columns into equal sizes with little gaps between to make it easy to read. I give white border around the all the pictures used in the double page spared and place them on top of each other to give it a nice effect. When i improved my draft article and paste it into the columns of the double page spread using auto flow the article was too long and didn’t fit into the area i wanted it. I thought that teens would be bored to read a long article so i decided to shorten it. I decided to have a different colour background for the mini article about insurance. A new teenage magazine with the target. (2017, Aug 02).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Modernism and Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Modernism and Postmodernism - Essay Example In the next section the focus will shift to the contribution and impact of modernism and postmodernism to our society. "Modernism signals a dialectical opposition to what is not functionally 'modern, namely 'tradition'." (Eysteinsson, 1990, pg.8). The term modernism refers to a movement that gained popularity in the closing years of the 19th century and was prevalent through the period of the world wars right upto the late 1940's. (criticalpoet website) Like any other socio-cultural movement, modernism has a great impact on the poetry, fiction, drama, painting, music and architecture of that era. The era of modernism has also been referred to as the period of 'scientific idealogy'. The ideologies of modernism were backed by scientific rationale and these scientific theories were used to expose the failing of rival beliefs. A popular example of modernist is the theory of Darwinism as against the Biblical Literalism. (Nine O'clock Service website) It was an era when people tried to break away from traditional beliefs and practices. breaking away from convention there were several experiments with news forms and styles of self expression. The website of the Nine O'clock Service quotes J.urry whi in his 'The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies' (1990) says Modernism ""involves structural differentiation. the separate development of a number of institutional and normative spheres; of the economy, the family, the state, science, morality, and an aesthetic realm" (p.84) The website goes on to state that the modernist sees ordered differences in all aspects of life like scientific and every day knowledge, literature and popular fiction class and mass"; "art and craft"; "education and entertainment or even serious and commercial. In terms of sociology, the modern society is said to reflect the industrialized world where technology plays an important role. The age also saw the break up of traditional communities and religious beliefs and individuals with their strength and convictions came into prominence. But modernism had its flaws. Over the years another school of thought challenged the modernists notion of truth as defined by science. This wave has been called 'post-modernism'. Historian Arnold Toynbee first used the term post-modern in 1939. A very broad based term, post modernism has come to define the beleife that there can be no absolute truth and focuses on the concept of relativity. It is a revolutionary theory that does not believe in the pursuit of truth on defined knowledge. Instead postmdernism believes that every experience is unique and temporary. (Rosenau.P, 1992, pg 26) It suggests that there are no single truths and experiences and circumstances define our understanding of truth. Post modernism too has had its impact on every walk of life. This theory came into prominence somewhere in the late 1940's and early 1950's. The idea of postmodernism is relevant in the works of thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche. His "death of God" movement propounded the theory that knowledge is interpretive with no one meaning. With the death of God Nietzsche held that moral truth was relative. The self was acclaimed as the most powerful who he termed superman. But with the rise of powerful men like Hitler and stalin who held the society to ransom, thinkers of the post war generation realized the significance of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case Study for the Complete Care Repair Research Paper
Case Study for the Complete Care Repair - Research Paper Example Research Problem The research problem has many angles because there are several problems with MindWriter. Some of the problems that have been seen are discussed here: There is a call center that is able to answer questions for customers who have a malfunctioning product. They have an 800 number to call and the call center can answer service, support and ordering questions. Unfortunately these are the only questions they can currently answer. When a person calls in, the call center must take the name, number and address from the customer as well as the Mind Writer model number. The technical representatives with this information will then ask question to understand more clearly the nature of the customer’s problem. They will attempt to resolve the problem on the phone if they can. The challenge is that they cannot answer every inquiry on the phone. Some of the things that need to be researched include: 1. There are employee shortages and training new technical representatives i s time consuming and does not always happen in the time that they are needed. 2. The courier does not always pick up and deliver the products as they have spelled out in the contract with Complete Care Repair. 3. ... Complete Care Repair will need to research to find where the problem really is and do something more to help it. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to define how Complete Care Repair can help MindWriter understand their problems and eradicate them. Some of the issues they will need to understand better in order to help MindWriter include: 1. Check with the courier company and see whether this is the best one for MindWriter to use. 2. Will the repair aspects of Complete Care Repair that include the diagnostic and sequencing areas need to be refined? 3. Does the technical director need more training or is there a need for the staff to have more training in this area? 4. Is there a problem with packaging? Can it be resolved if there is a different type of package created? 5. Is there a need for repair centers closer to where MindWriter operations are or should repair happen on site? These questions will guide the research into how Complete Care Repair can help MindWriter. Research Objectives Then research objectives will be to find out more information about MindWriter in order to help them. Specifically, there needs to be a thorough examination of the entire company in order to identify the problem areas. After Myra and Jason came back from Austin, they were able to identify several areas where there were problems. These areas need to be examined more closely. The research objectives will include: 1. To examine the call center to understand how they work with customers. We will want to identify what is working and what is not working. 2. To examine the packaging to see whether this is the most appropriate packaging or whether there are alternatives that would keep the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Customer Service Essay Example for Free
Customer Service Essay 1. The key concepts and topics in this course that have made me a stronger candidate to continue in the business world would be what I have learned from the units dealing with: Diversity, Customer Behavior, Customer Loyalty, and Exceptional Service: I have learned that customer comments, good or bad should always be taken into consideration, addressed and handled appropriately. Comments can provide insight to the thought process of the customer and it could help improve not only the customer service department but the product as well. The success of a company relies on the customer. Relationship Building and Solving Customer Problems: Satisfied customers will remain customers until there is a better option offered to them. Loyal customers establish an emotional connection with a business and/or company. Their loyalty is motivated by their experience with the products and the service. Customer service is what a company or business provides; customer loyalty is the result of the service. Extraordinary approaches to customer service is to go beyond the customer’s satisfaction, and make every attempt to surpass the customer’s expectations every time. A company earns customer loyalty by molding the shopping experience to the needs of the customer. Customers have a tendency to patronize companies that interactive with them in a positive, meaningful, personal manner. Many companies offer their customers loyalty programs such as; reward programs. This method can ensure a company keeps their current customer base and entices possible new customers. The Impact of Communication Styles on Customer Services: A business cannot afford to lose customers because of a lack of customer service, but many do. Customers remember how they are treated and pass the word along, good or bad. Once a customer has been treated poorly they are likely not to return to buy from that business again, even if that business has what they need. When customers are satisfied, it is probable that they will spend more on the product or service and keep returning to that business. Customer service representatives (CSRs) play a big role in keeping, and bringing customers to a business. That is why it is essential to train customer service representatives in effective communications styles and skills because they are the liaison between the customer and the business. The CSR’s communication skills can impact the decision of a customer’s loyalty and the right communication style can be helpful in avoiding conflicts. Communication styles are methods in which a particular individual converses with another individual. Great service requires effective communication styles, and skills. Having a combination of these elements will guarantee that the right message is conveyed in a way that ensures the customer receives and understands it correctly and as intended. 2. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development as a student and as a person as well as encouraging you on your academic path. This was a very beneficial, educational and informative class. I have chosen the legal field, more specifically, paralegal studies. I currently work for a bankruptcy law firm and I have learned a great deal since I have been employed there. I have 30 plus years work experience and a great work ethic. With what I have learned in this class, my work ethic, and common sense, I believe I will be successful as a paralegal. I have learned the importance of maintaining professionalism. This class has reinforced my desire to continue in the legal field and has helped me in interacting with clients, co-workers and the attorneys I currently work with. My skills in listening, communicating, observing and relationship building have improved by taking this class. I would recommend a class in customer service, regardless of the professional field one decides to enter into. I believe it would be very insightful and valuable.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Banisteriopsis caapi :: Botany
Banisteriopsis caapi "It was thirty minutes before I felt the first sensation, a numbness on the lips, and a warmth in my stomach that spread to my chest and shoulders even as a distinct chill moved down my waist and lower limbs...I opened my eyes to a flash of light, a passing headlight on the road, harsh and intrusive. I retreated again and felt myself fade into an uncomfortable physical body, prostrate on the mat, and tormented by vertigo and a mounting nausea" (Davis 1996). This account describes the beginning feelings and affects of an experience between Wade Davis and yage, a drink whose main component is the plant Banisteriopsis caapi. Banisteriopsis caapi is a plant found in the tropical regions of South America, including the countries of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and more. It is a liana that grows in the tropical forests of these regions and is often utilized in native tribe cultures. Many different aboriginal tribes of the Amazon rainforests use drinks prepared from this plant under many different names: ayahuasca, caapi, yage, yaje, natem, datem, pinde, dapa, and more. It has been used in various tribe cultures for years and still has a place in today's societies and religions. Banisteriopsis of the Malpighiaceae, is a genus of around one hundred species of plants in tropical America. Three of these are known for their hallucinogenic affects in ayahuasca. These three plants are B. inebriens, B. caapi (Schultes 1970) and B. quitensis (Schultes 1995). The best known of these three species and the main component of ayahuasca is B. caapi. When the drink ayahuasca is made, it is often supplemented with other plants that provide hallucinogenic properties to the drink. There are many species of plants, stretching across genera, that are added. Some of the plants included in these various admixtures are Diplopterys cabrerana, Psychotria viridis, and Psychotria carthaginensis. There are also members of the Solanaceae that are commonly used, Nicotiana species, Brugmansia species, and Brunfelsia species (Schultes and von Reis 1995). These plants bring different chemical constituents to the drink. The chemical components of Banisteriopsis caapi that cause the hallucinogenic effect are beta-carboline alkaloids found in the bark. More than nine alkaloids have been isolated in B. caapi. The three main active constituents, and most well known from this plant, are harmine, harmaline, and tetrahydroharmine. Other beta-carboline alkoloids include harmine-N-oxide, harmic acid methylester, harmalinic acid, harmic amide, and more (Kawanishi et al 1982).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Lillian Trasher
Lillian Trasher was born in Jacksonville, Florida, on September 27, 1887. Being born to a catholic family, Lillian was not saved until her teens when she got her hands on a Bible and read it for herself. Trasher attended Bible school while she worked at an orphanage in Marion, California. Little did she know that orphanage work would be her life’s calling. How did she become the â€Å"Mother of Thousands†? When Trasher was 23 years old, she attended a church service where she heard a female missionary speak. Trasher would later say that this was the night she was called to be a missionary. She immediately began to make plans to travel to Egypt. The first thing she did was break off her engagement. The sudden change of plans was shocking to her friends and family. Her parents refused to assist her financially. Trasher knew that it was God’s will for her to move to Egypt, so she prayed and prayed, until little by little she raised enough make the trip. On October 8, 1910, Trasher began her voyage on the S. S. Berlin. The day she left, Lillian was asked to read a verse appropriate to the trip, so she opened her Bible to Acts 7:34. The verse read,†I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their groaning, and I have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you to Egypt. †This verse confirmed God’s will in Trasher’s life. She had no doubt that she was meant to go to Egypt. Lillian arrived in Assiout on October 26, 1910. She would immediately begin missionary work with Reverend Perlsford, a missionary too Egypt. At this point Trasher still didn’t know why God had called her to Egypt, but it would not take long before she found out. On February 10, 1911, Trasher took in her first Orphan after finding the baby girl alone with her dead mother. This began a domino effect. Every time Trasher heard of a child in need she would take them in with out any hesitation. Trasher had no way of providing for the children and she knew that no one from America would be able to support these children either, so she decided to raise funds locally. Lillian rode astride a donkey all over surrounding areas soliciting funds for the orphanage. With lots and lots of prayer, Trasher succeeded in raising enough funds to keep her new orphanage running. By 1916 Trasher was known by the people of the Nile Valley as â€Å"The Nile Mile. †At this point she had 50 orphans living in her home. She new she had to move in order to expand. She purchased a half-acre of land and moved the children into a building there. Gradually more and more land was purchased because of growth. The orphanage would grow to be 19 acres in size. In 1919, the Assemblies of God granted Trasher missionary appointment. When this happened Assiout Orphanage became an overseas ministry of the Assemblies. The orphanage began to grow immensely. The orphanage is no longer just an institution but, but more of a small town with more than a dozen major buildings including a church, five schools, three nurseries, dormitories, hospitals, dairy barns, a water plant, an electric power plant, and Lillian’s home. Today, the orphanage maintains over a thousand orphans, widows, and disabled peoples. The children are educated and taught trades at the orphanage. Each one is given the opportunity to be successful in life after they leave the orphanage. Because the girls are so well educated they are often sought after to boys from the city to be their wives. The boys leave with the ability to support themselves and their future families. Trasher never considered what she did as working but as living. She knew it was her purpose in life, and she loved every second of it. She believed she was living life to the fullest. Lillian Trasher cared for more than eight thousand boys and girls during her life. Each one called her â€Å"Mamma†. She loved every one of them the same and prayed for them every day. These children would grow up to have families of their own and their children would call Trasher â€Å"Mamma†too. It is clear that Lillian Trasher truly was a â€Å"Mother of Thousands. â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Why do men and women have such different experiences of health?
In looking at the question â€Å"Why do men and women have such different experiences of health†, I am going to look into topics such as Biological differences, Gender responsibilities, and Sociological explanations. The diversity in male and females health begins from puberty, usually around the age of ten to fifteen in both sexes. Young women begin their menstrual cycle at an average age of thirteen, so it is acceptable to say that they are aware of their Physical self early on in life, women are more likely to visit their doctor as a result of menstruation, and are also encouraged by their friends, family and the Media to seek medical advice when they have a concern about their sexual health, which would lead to Routine visits for smear tests, or contraceptive advice. Conversely young men would not usually bother to go to the doctor possibly for the reason that they do not want to cause a fuss, or even their peers dismiss their ailment, with comments similar to â€Å"be a man†. Another biological factor is connected to differences in physical make-up other than biological function. This view is based on different genetic features; for example women are generally smaller and so men are generally considered to be stronger. This view is, however fraught with inconsistencies because of the variations that obviously exist in physical attributes among men and women. It also ignores social and cultural factors that are vital to any appreciation of gender. Our ideas in society tend to construct gender differences in health problems, there appears to be some evidence that men take more risks than women such as dangerous sports, Violent activities and hazardous occupations. Although women tend to consult doctors more often statistics suggest they have more ill health, this could be because women in their socially produced gender roles are seen as more acceptable to show weakness and seek medical help and also if they are going to the doctor they are more likely to be diagnosed, possibly if men visited the doctor more often there would be a change in that statistic. In childbirth, reproduction, and mental health, women are more likely to be given prescriptions for anti-depressants or tranquillisers, men however are more likely to have alcohol problems, a more socially acceptable response to stress than it is for women, although statistics indicate that women are catching up with men in the drinking stakes. A woman's role is often looking after everyone in the family so she tends to carry an added burden of stress with an attitude of having to soldier on with her responsibilities so she may be prone to physical and mental disorders. Victims of social and economic circumstances women tend to suffer from what is known as â€Å"housewife syndrome†the isolation and constant decision making involved in housework are very stressful as is the responsibility of looking after young children and managing a job, and of course we must not forget single mums they have the extra stress of either being on benefits and trying to feed themselves and their children as healthily as they can, or being the only wage earner trying to do the same with very little time to relax which is a contributing factor towards stress not forgetting, men are single parents as well and do suffer from the same financial factors as single mothers. In addition there are certain illnesses that women suffer from because of their biology such as post-natal depression, and the menopause, because women tend to live longer they are more likely to suffer from degenerative disorders like arthritis and senile dementia. And an alarming 21% of women suffer from some form of disability. Men are more at risk from Coronary heart disease and there is an increase in men only disorders such as Prostate, Testicular, and Bowel cancer. Gender social roles are becoming less important, girls are doing better than boys at school, they are more career minded than ever, the emphasis is on fending for themselves, its almost as if they don't need men. So where does that leave men? There is substantial evidence that more and more men live alone, there is an increase in the rates of mental illness, suicide, and even eating disorders. Present day mobility, lack of roots, weakened family structure and increased pressure to succeed have all been suggested as playing a part in the growing trend toward high suicide rates in young men. There are more emotional support networks aimed at women, leaving men feeling isolated, although the last five years has seen a boom in men's magazines such as FHM, Loaded and Maxim. These magazines investigate a large number of health issues concerning men, and they incorporate relevant medical information such as home examination of their testicals in a jocular light hearted way, they also contain contact numbers and advice lines, which must be a reasurance for men. The artefact theory suggests that the use of surveys for statistics is inaccurate because it fails to take into consideration the clinical iceberg where it is unknown how many people suffer illness as they don't always report it, also most health care happens in the home, usually women treating symptoms by self care. In the case of postal surveys not everyone will respond and generally women fill in the forms for other family members. It is also unreliable because the figures relate to males of working age and not females, or older and younger people also statistics change all the time. However a survey carried out in 1992 showed that there were major gender differences in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relating to health. These figures come from surveys like the General Household Survey (GHS) which is a continuous survey based on a small sample of the population resident in private households in the UK, included in this survey are questions on fertility, housing, health, employment and education.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Salvation of the Soul Essays - Bethany Hamilton, Surfing, Poster
Salvation of the Soul Essays - Bethany Hamilton, Surfing, Poster Salvation of the Soul The above image is the poster of Soul Surfer, which was released on April 8, 2011. As you see in the poster, the movie is made based on a inspiring true story that happened to a champion surfer, Bethany Hamilton. It was directed by Sean McNamara. After he read an article talking about Bethany Hamiltons story, he decided to make a movie based on it. Because Christian faith is integral to Bethanys story, this movie is viewed as a Christian movie. It shows the power of faith through the experience of the surfer and talks about God and faith. The creator wanted people to get inspired after they watch it. The poster is made up of many different parts. There is a tagline in the top of the poster, and below the tagline, the title of the movie shows in a larger size and different color. This difference makes the title become more noticeable. Below the title, there is the cast list for the main characters. Then, the main character comes out. The girl stands and carries a surfboard that is bro ken, and her expression appears to be thinking deeply. Finally, the sea is grey, not blue. It is abnormal and thought-provoking. And if we see the poster carefully, we can find that the light surrounds the girl. After analyzing this poster, we can find the poster uses text, placement of the character, facial expression, and color contrast in order to illustrate the spiritual salvation of the girl. This poster contains many texts, including the tagline, title, and cast list. The tagline is When you come back from a loss, beat the odds, and never say never, you find a champion. This sentence shows that the movie talks about a person who becomes stronger from a loss and gets ahead afterwards. After audiences see this poster, they will watch the movie with much curiosity and awe, because they want to know what happened to the girl. The title of this poster is the name of the movie. The words Soul Surfer are enlarged and are in a darker color. This change of font makes the title more obviously and noticeable. People like to associate the word soul with holy things. So after they see this title, they will think deeper about what happened to the girls spirit. The cast list is in the middle of the poster. The actor Dennis Quaid and actress Carrie Underwood are very famous actors. They will attract many audiences for this movie. The tagline and the title tell us the deep meaning inside of the girl. Besides the texts, the placement of this main character is also important. The girl stands by herself and carries a broken surfboard that covers her whole body. The surfboard symbolizes her. She stands alone, illustrating that she is strong enough to handle everything by herself. But she is also lonely. No one stands with her and maybe this is the reason that compels her to become strong. When we change our focus to the surfboard, we can find a shocking scar in it. And because the surfboard is the only thing that is carried by the girl in this poster, we find the surfboard is very important to her. After we understand the relationship between the surfboard and the girl, it lets us guess what the girl experiences if the surfboard has a big scar in it. This placement makes people feel helpless and vacuous of the spirituality of the girl. Although only one character is showed in this poster, the facial expression of her still can impart significant information. A light of tenacity comes into her eyes. From her eyes, we can feel that she is very persistent and can accomplish the thing she decides to do. Compared to the helpless that we found regarding to the placement of the girl, we can find out that she grows up in a sense. On the other hand, half of her face is hidden behind the broken surfboard. That looks like the girl wants to hide something that she doesn't want others to know. And we dont know if she is happy or sad. Her facial expression represents there are many
Monday, November 4, 2019
Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no Essay
Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no ornaments - Essay Example Growing urban areas, especially in the rapidly developing cities, have become arenas of many contradictory forces associated with the growing of commercialism and consumption attitudes, architectural fashions and professional egoism, and many misconceptions regarding progress and modernization. Essentially, there is a potent discourse between building of simple and minimalist structures and doing away with the traditional aspects of architecture that lay emphasis on ornamental prowess. The big question is whether architecture, in its modern or traditional form, stands in harmony with the culture and environment (Trilling, 2001). Cities have thus become a symbol for the neglect of organic, cultural traditions and the destruction of the identity of places. Respect of traditions and factors specific to certain places is, however, of highest importance for a symbiotic development of the human environment relationship. As individual characteristics are different so it should be with cities, with urban planning. In the modern world, architecture has changed the values that it portrays. It reflects different set of values from the traditional local ones; buildings and space are symbols for economic and political power, importance and status, achievement and wealth, ours and theirs, poor and rich. The prerequisites are visibility and surprise; the creation of a distinct image in the observer’s mind for capturing his attention.... It is evident that ornamental architecture added to the visual appeal of architectural designs and also helped make people to easily relate to the buildings around them. However, the advent of modern architecture in the 1920s spelt death for the once popular ornamental architecture. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, it has been normal to assume that good design has to be plain and simple. Ornamentation was renounced because proponents of modern architecture believed that the decorative aspects of design were unnecessary and not cost effective (Loos, 1998) . The origins of modern architecture can be attributed to the social and political revolutions of that time. Advances in technology and engineering gave rise to new materials such as iron and steel which encourage minimalist design. The advent in modern architecture has given prominence to the concept of â€Å"internationalization†. In this regard, the design of buildings has become uniform regardless of the cultu ral background. This is evident considering that it has become a norm to have almost generic high rise block buildings in almost every city in the world. This paper seeks to analyze make a comparison between two architects. This is in respect to the traditional ornamental architecture and the modern non ornamental simple architectural design. It should be noted that architecture is an evolving discipline and thus modernity was bound to happen. However, the major issue is to evaluate the impacts of modern architecture and the how recent advances in architecture have shaped the society. The implications of discarding traditional ornamental architecture will also be evaluated. This is essential to assess the overall impact of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Budgeting Operational Plans ( Individual Project ) Research Paper
Budgeting Operational Plans ( Individual Project ) - Research Paper Example This enables the managers of a company to report to the shareholders how their investments have been maximized over a period of some time. Different companies use different approaches to recording and reporting their financial details (McConnell, 2001). Both manual methods and computer assisted technologies are being used to facilitate proper recording of financial details of companies. With the rapid developments in technology, software applications have been developed to assist companies manage their financial record effectively. As a result, more companies are using computer aided financial reporting so as to give more authentic and reliable financial reports. Financial statements have to be prepared in accordance with set standards and reported timely to users. Financial reporting systems help companies achieve their financial objectives through accurate recording and timely reporting of financial reports (Siegel & Shim, 2006). A financial reporting system refers to all the proce dures and processes that a company employs in order to ensure financial accountability. These include the polices and measures put in place to ensure proper recording, verification of financial transactions as well as timely reporting. ... The financial reporting database helps the company prepare its financial statements such as the balance sheet, income statements, and cash flow statements periodically. This can be done either on a monthly basis, quarterly or annually. The budgeting database enables a company to access past financial information and helps the managers calculate financial estimates for the next accounting period. The budgeting database is well structured with expense thresh holds and cost limits that managers wish to set for the company (McConnell, 2001). A general ledger contains different accounts where information relating to financial transactions is recorded by the accountants or bookkeepers. Activity Based Budget The activity-based budgeting is a new and emerging trend in budgeting that seeks to give companies a new approach to manage their budgets. Activity-based budgeting allows company executives to present their budget based on the actual costs of the company’s products as opposed to the traditional budgeting methods, which require the budget to include various factors, which affect costs such as training and compensation (Mancino, 2007). In Activity Based Budgeting (ABB), only those business activities that incur costs are taken into consideration when preparing budgets. These activities are then aligned to specific objectives and goals, and thereafter, the costs that will be required to meet these business activities are used to draft the budget. The traditional method of budgeting only allowed company executives to adjust the budgets for previous financial periods so that they meet the new objectives for the next financial
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