Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on How To Change Your Oil
How to change the oil in your car Every 3,000 miles we are faced with the vital task of changing our oil. When this occurs, most of us just set up an appointment at the repair garage and spend money for someone to do something so easy, you can do it yourself in a short amount of time. It is a basic necessity in maintaining your vehicle that can leave you with pride in yourself for a job well done. The first step in the process is buying the oil and oil filter. You can find these in any store that sells automotive items. There will be a manual near the filters to find the right oil filter for your car. As for your oil, brand is not important as long as it is API (American Petroleum Institute) certified. All certified oils will state this on the label. Your owner’s manual should be consulted for the amount and type of oil such as 5 w30 or 10 w30, needed for your car. Now that you have your oil and filters you can begin the job. With your old jeans and shirt on you need to crawl under the front of your car. You will notice a relatively large tank with a bolt protruding from the bottom or side of it. That is your oil tank. You must now place a shallow pan under the discharge bolt of the tank. Your pan needs to be able to hold 4-5 quarts. Next you must have the appropriate socket on your wrench to fit over the bolt tightly to remove it. If you do not have a wrench and socket set you can use a normal crescent wrench fitted tightly to the bolt. Your crescent wrench is the one with a size adjustment piece near the head of it. You must make sure not to round the edges of the bolt when removing it ; this will make it difficult to tighten or loosen the bolt again. If you do have this problem occur you will need to use a vise grip in the future. Your vise grip is a set of pliers that adjust and grip tightly for maximum hold and control of bolts without edges. Once the bolt is removed the oil will drain freely fr... Free Essays on How To Change Your Oil Free Essays on How To Change Your Oil How to change the oil in your car Every 3,000 miles we are faced with the vital task of changing our oil. When this occurs, most of us just set up an appointment at the repair garage and spend money for someone to do something so easy, you can do it yourself in a short amount of time. It is a basic necessity in maintaining your vehicle that can leave you with pride in yourself for a job well done. The first step in the process is buying the oil and oil filter. You can find these in any store that sells automotive items. There will be a manual near the filters to find the right oil filter for your car. As for your oil, brand is not important as long as it is API (American Petroleum Institute) certified. All certified oils will state this on the label. Your owner’s manual should be consulted for the amount and type of oil such as 5 w30 or 10 w30, needed for your car. Now that you have your oil and filters you can begin the job. With your old jeans and shirt on you need to crawl under the front of your car. You will notice a relatively large tank with a bolt protruding from the bottom or side of it. That is your oil tank. You must now place a shallow pan under the discharge bolt of the tank. Your pan needs to be able to hold 4-5 quarts. Next you must have the appropriate socket on your wrench to fit over the bolt tightly to remove it. If you do not have a wrench and socket set you can use a normal crescent wrench fitted tightly to the bolt. Your crescent wrench is the one with a size adjustment piece near the head of it. You must make sure not to round the edges of the bolt when removing it ; this will make it difficult to tighten or loosen the bolt again. If you do have this problem occur you will need to use a vise grip in the future. Your vise grip is a set of pliers that adjust and grip tightly for maximum hold and control of bolts without edges. Once the bolt is removed the oil will drain freely fr...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
An - Annee - French Expressions
An - Annee - French Expressions The French words un an and une annà ©e both mean year (whats the difference?) and are also used in many expressions. Learn how to say school year, the sixties, on average, and more with this list of expressions with an and annà © ___ ans (e.g., un enfant de 3 ans, une voiture de 10 ans)___-year-old (e.g., 3-year-old child, 10-year-old car)en lan ___ avant Jà ©sus-Christ(in the year) ___ BCen lan ___ de notre à ¨re(in the year) ___ ADen lan de grà ¢ce ___in the year of Our Lord ___les ans lont courbà © (literary)hes become hunched with ageavoir 25 ansto be 25 (years old)bon an mal anon averagecourbà © sous le poids des ans (literary)bent under the weight of agele jour de lAnNew Years Dayle nouvel anNew Years Day, the new yearloutrage des ans (literary)the ravages of timele premier de lanNew Years Day, the first of the yearsen moquer / sen soucier comme de lan quaranteto not care less about, to not give a darn about2 fois par an, 3 fois par an... twice a year, three times a year... les annà ©es 60, 70, 80...the sixties, seventies, eighties...une annà ©e bissextileleap yearune annà ©e civilecalendar yearune annà ©e-lumià ¨relight yearune annà ©e sainteHoly yearune annà ©e scolaireschool yearBonne Annà ©e !Happy New Year!Bonne Annà ©e et bonne santà © !Happy New Year (and good health)!Cest des annà ©es-lumià ¨res de mes prà ©occupationsIts the last thing on my mind.Lesson: an vs annà ©e | Dates in FrenchMore: French expressions | Confusing pairs
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